Thursday, February 28, 2008

battle scar

ok. two things in this post.


2. i know that anyone that reads this has heard about it by now.
i fell down the stairs today. and it was sooooooooooo not cool.
i was walking just fine. i didnt trip over my own feet, i didnt skip a step. i think i may have got a knee to the backpack, and thats what sent
my flying. [superman style]
i fell down about 6 steps.
i landed on my side, hit my head, and rolled onto my face.

my glasses got bent in the roll, and then sliced my face. i have a two inch laceration above my left eyebrow. it bled, alot. and by alot, i mean... i heard about 100 *oh my god!*'s and another 2o *Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit*'s while on my frantic run to the nurse. she bandaged it up, arjay came and got me. mom met me at the ER
. the hospital glued it shut. [invisible stitches] and i got a tetnus shot.
im ok.
i repeat. IM OK.

i have a headache, and my arm hurts a lot [from the shot]

but im fine.

thanks to everyone who showed concern for me, but especially bobbyjack.
he was the one that helped me to the nurses office and played the role of *omg, my best friend is bleeding and im scared for her* it was really nice

i was gonna post some photos, but i cant find the cord. soooooo...when i will get uploaded.


ahaha. photos.

i took these on thursday. right after i got home from the hospital.
it doesnt look that horrible, i know...
hurts like hell though.
but im a tough cookie. <---thats what allie says
plus, advil certainly helps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahaha I love you lots.